
Right clicking a player with it shows you their inventory, can also see how long a chunk is loaded by crouch-right clicking the ground.

Image of Enderbone

Type: Other God

Kill message: Player1 was boned by Player2 using Enderbone


Bone from an enderman,
right-click a player with
it to view their inventory.

Chunk Info

Right clicking a block with an ender bone will tell you the total amount of
time that the chunk it inhabits has been loaded. For example if you play in an area for 1 hour,
an ender bone will tell you that the area has been played in for a total of 1 hour.

How to Use

Right click a player with an enderbone in your hand, it will open
a view of their inventory, while consuming 1 enderbone in the process.
You cannot take items from people's inventories.